Sunday, September 8, 2013

One month down, eight to go!

Alright so the first month of school is over!

I've managed to stay pretty up to date on all my classes so far this semester. And I've done a pretty good job at working on my goals I set this summer too.

Parent contact has been my biggest thing that I wanted to work on. I've started a parent newsletter I send home every Friday about what classes have done during the week, a heads up on what we are going to be doing in the next wee, and the homework for the next week as well. I've also started sending home parent warning letters. Letters to parents warning them of their students struggling grades and why they are struggling. I think that this will be a good thing. It lets parent know what their child's current grades are and what the cut offs are for passing. It also is letting them know my opinion of why their child is doing poorly in class and what they (the students) can do to help raise their grades.

In the mean time I've started up a color guard at school as well! Getting a little nervous I'm taking on too much with trying to build this program from literally the ground up and directing another guard and teching at a third. But... We'll see how it goes and I'll keep everyone posted!

Until then!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summertime Sadness

Oh man so #1 I'm terrible at regular blogging! :/ I'm working on it! It was way easier when I was only going to school and doing some small side projects. Now I'm planning a wedding, working full-time, and doing 2 part time jobs on the weekend.

But it is the summertime and there are only 3 short weeks until school starts back up! It's getting crazy!

I've spent some time over the summer re-evaluating my classroom management plan, checking on curriculum updates for Geometry. Just trying to keep myself prepared for when school starts. But I have to be honest.. I'm a little sad about summer ending.

I'm only teaching one class next year... For all six periods. Geometry, and Geometry Honors. Last year I had three classes and it was nice to have that break up during my day. But, I'm going to think about the positive and really focus on what I can do to make these classes more enjoyable than last year. And find a way to keep myself more organized and ahead of the game, amongst a few additional things.

I find it's best to write things out to stick to them better so at the end of this post I'm going to list my complete set of goals for myself and my classroom for the year. I'm going to be doing my best throughout the year to add posts that have helped me accomplish my goals.

2013-2014 Goals 

  1. Keep Sub Binder full and complete. 
  2. Make more individual parent contact. 
  3. Stay stronger in statements made to students and follow through. 
  4. Find 3 new ways to teach concepts in Geometry. 
  5. Keep binder of all materials used and past out to students. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The first grading period

The first grading period has come and gone of my first year teaching.

It has gone by sooo incredibly fast! There were certainly days that I did not think could go any slower and there were days that I couldn't believe just how quickly they had gone by.

There are so many things that have happened over the first 10 weeks that I cannot even begin to try to out them all into one post so... The plan is to group things. I'll add things that my kids say and things that happen at school. They may not be in the order they happen but I'll do my best to post the essentials to my first year :)

We can start off with how my first 2 weeks of school went.. :) this is a handful so be ready.

I walked in knowing that I wanted my students to always be respectful to me. I wanted to hold my students to higher expectations. Really I wanted to be super teacher my first year and demand this atmosphere in my classroom that cultivated motivation and hard work. I should have known better teaching high schoolers that this wasn't going to happen overnight. Even being an alum of the wonderful College of Education at Butler University I was still optimistic.

I was stern in my classroom and didn't accept the little remarks here and there from students that was inappropriate. I laid down the law, and it was a good thing I did. I love my students- 95% of them at least. But, they are all a rowdy, loud, and at times seemingly uncontrollable.

In my first 2 weeks of school I ended up writing 6 immediate removal forms, and 3 referral write ups. I was called some words that some never dare to speak in front of their closest friends. I had students wresting in the front of my classroom. I had students swearing left and right, yelling across the room. It was like going to the zoo almost everyday. And, the animals were teenagers with no idea what they were walking into.

By the end of the first month things were drastically different. My student knew that there was zero room for disrespect in my classroom and they began calling each other out when they heard something that I wouldn't stand for. If a student swore in class and I heard it all it takes now is a look and they know and apologize, and usually try to make up some excuse about how they didn't mean for it to slip out. Students knew that they couldn't get away with goofing off. Our classroom was meant for learning and that was what was going to happen. But, they also knew that we could enjoy ourselves while we learn. We can make jokes. We can make deals- I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. I made a deal with one class that they could give me a tet the day that I gave them a test. (That was an interesting day.. and test.)

But, nonetheless, I love my students. I love my administrators- no matter the slack they may get from other teachers. Our world is changing, and so is our profession. So that means that we have to change with it. Change is never fun, and as stupid as melting icebergs may be the meaning (as simple as it may be) is really an important one.

As stressful as the last 10 weeks have been I am so excited for the next 8, and to see what all it brings!

Until next time!

A Butler Alum